Having a couple of extra days off is really useful for getting some good levelling done, thus I managed to Ding 80 Friday night. It was rather anti-climatic since it was very late and almost noone was on, although I did get a congrats from someone on an alt that I didn't recognize, WTB notes on guild tabs.
I then proceeded to ... just keep on doing quests. I still need more gold for epic flying and actual questing is much more fun than just doing dailies, plus it increases my quest count and improves my gear, if only barely. Last night I finished questing in Zuldrak for the first time on any character, both times before I skipped Zuldrak so I definitely wanted to do those quests this time. I found the zone quite pleasant actually, the long storyline ending in the Gundrak quest was quite engaging. While questing in the zone I got a tell asking me if I wanted to run the Amphitheatre of Anguish group of quests, since I hadn't yet done them I was definitely interested, but it turns out they wanted me to tank, something I hadn't yet done although I am partially specced for it (my feral spec is a psuedo cat-bear spec designed for soloing elites as best as possible.) The run went surprisingly well, noone died and the 80 rogue only a couple of times pulled aggro and each time a quick growl got the mob back on me, yeah !!!
I also finshed the Midsummer achievements earning the title of Flame Warden, I ended up with enough blossoms to get all the achievements as well as the purchaseable pet and the dancing firey dranei thingy. Also during the Ahune run, which Ellevis was kind enough to help me with, the scorchling pet dropped and I outrolled him FTW, sorry Wich.
The plan going forward is to keep questing until I get epic-flying, than I shall quest some more for dual-spec. Than I shall keep questing until Northrend is done, moving on to TBC zones until they are done too, this should take me quite a while, lol. I also need to get better gear, I'm going to need some decent tanking gear for soloing old instances and I'll need resto gear for raiding (at some point maybe), feral and/or balance gear for faster questing. I think I'm going to have Taxiderm craft a bunch of leather gear for all sets and see how long that lasts me. Hope to get into some alt raids now that I'm 80.
So much work to do. Oh well, its fun though.
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago
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