Sonar dinged 75 last night, the last 50% done completely on Midsummer quests, and I still have more. It probably took me a lot longer to level that 50% but thats a bunch of quests that I will have left over at 80 for more cash. Also, Blizzard is going to be resetting the Midsummer quests done so that people who have finished them in previous years can do them again, this means I can get another 50% when I do them again, pretty sweet.
I also managed to steal Undercity's flame last night although I died in the process. I waited for ahile in stealth until there was only low levels around the bonfire but of course as soon as I unstealth a 80 Belf Pally comes through the portal from Silvermoon and spots me, go figure.
Oh well, 5 more levels to go.
Edit: It appears that my quest count has been rolled back (I'm assuming the midsummer quests) making for an amusing situation where I have 1492 quests done (for achievement purposes) but I already have the achievement for 1500 quests, lol.
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago
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