Again, not a whole lot to report. Did a few quests in The Fjord solo last night and managed to ding 73. Then Brooklynn (raid leader/brother Ellevis' Druid alt) and I went to Stars Rest in Dragonblight and completed a few more quests. Still no further achievements completed, I'm saving those for Sunday when the Midsummer Fire Festival begins, an excellent time to make major headway into my explorer requirements.
Some interesting things happened while questing last night, PVP things. It began when Brooklynn decided (without informing me) to jump a 71 Tauren Warrior that was questing near us, this of course is no big deal; a quick Feral Charge and the Warrior is being double-teamed and goes down without hitting anyone. We move a little ways off and suddenly we git hit by a Typhoon, a Tauren Druid (obviously) had appeared and was apparently upset with our antics with the Warrior. The Druid was focusing on Brooklynn allowing to me to go to town shredding his backsides. The druid falls but not before he was able to take down Brook. Over Vent, Brook says "That must have been embarassing." I had no idea what he meant until he told me the Druid was level 80. Funny stuff, we were sure he would be back for revenge so we vamoosed but he left the area anyway. We finished a few more quests and finished the night by ganking a Death Knight that was in the area as well. Lol, love the Lazer Chicken - Kitteh smackdown !!
Level: 73.29
Gold: 1629g
Quests: 1409
Reputations: Valiance Expedition to Revered
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago
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