Wow, does levelling ever get tedious. When I began the long process of getting Sonar to 80 I was impressed by how non-tedious the Outland area was, I was expecting it to be much worse than it turned out to be. I am, however, now hitting the wall. I dread logging on for more levelling.
Hopefully, since I have now completed the Howling Fjords, (I hate questing in this zone), things will move quicker. Once I hit 77 and can fly, (I can afford Cold Weather Flying if not speedy flying), things will improve as well. I also think I can begin the Argent Tournament dailies at 77 which will be a nice change of pace. With those dailies as well as the remainder of the Midsummer quests I think I will ding 80 while questing or just finishing questing in Grizzly Hills.
Afternoon defeats and victories at night
6 years ago